(If you do not see the frame version of
this page with a table of contents in the left frame, click here.)
Starting a farVIEW Session
Double-click on the farVIEW shortcut you created according to the directions
given in the Installing farVIEW page. Note that
the new install file automatically creates a shortcut.
Here is a short heads-up on how to use the mouse in a Contents window:
To open a closed topic, click the topic's icon using the Left Mouse Button
(LMB). If the icon is a white page with an exclamation mark, it has
no children topics, so don't bother. You close an expanded topic the same
To edit the content of a topic, double click on the topic's title. All
topics have a title, and they have content, in one form or another, so
this will work. (The standard farVIEW way to close a content window is
to click the X-it box in the upper-right.)
To obtain the context menu for a topic, click the topic with the Right
Mouse Button (RMB). Click menu items with the LMB, just as usual.
To drag a topic onto another topic, press the LMB on the topic you intend
to drag, then while holding the LMB down, move the mouse onto the topic
upon which you intend to drop the dragged topic. Release the LMB.
If you use the RMB to drag a topic, you get a menu at the end of the ride.
Select the operation that fits your intentions.
FYI: During initialization, farVIEW looks for a preferences file in the
following sequence:
If the farBook is identified by a far://-URL, then load farview.fix.
Look for it first in the working directory. If not there, look in the executable
Use the farBook name to generate the preferences file name, then look for
it first in the working directory. If not there, look in the executable
If unsuccessful, then farVIEW loads farview.fix. It looks for it
first in the working directory. If not there, it looks in the executable
Failing that, farVIEW quits.
For example, if the farBook name is myBook.vue, then farVIEW looks
for myBook.fix. If it can't find that, it looks for farview.fix